Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Zeus loves to roll in mud puddles.

P1060261 P1060263 P1060274 And Allie the Rottweiler loves Zeus.


  1. Oh my! I hope the humans were clear when he decided to shake it all off!

  2. He would like to swim even more. That dog needs to be laked somewhere. Throw the tennis ball and let him hit the water for a fetch. That dog was "I need to swim" written all over his face. I know labs so just trust me on this one. No shortage of lakes and ponds in Wisconsin.

  3. Nostalgie de la boue
    at althouse.blogspot. team zeus

  4. We'll be in and on the lake in just a few days.

  5. Had a half Basset half Lab decades ago. Very interesting mix. Torn between the desire to sniff and swim all day. Looked like a basset on really long legs. Had a lab face. Handsome dog.

  6. All labs LOVE a good mud roll.


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